One Month after the aisle....
Marriage is pretty much Awesome (if you're married to the right one)
Nope, I won't bore you with how happy I am, waking up every morning beside my best friend and Lover.....
Or how I make him indulge in healthy eating, which he likes to call grazing (because i flog his diet with fresh vegetables),
Or how we keep our boyfriend and girlfriend tradition of watching movies together at the weekends @ home: I actually have a quota of RomComs (romantic comedies) that I am allowed to watch so I don’t make him have more estrogens than he should have.lol.
This is still the easy part and We know this.......God is our strength and He will take us through to the end.
I fall in love with him each passing day.......and dude has been shot by cupid several times over since we got hitched! LOL (I'm busy loving all the extra Love)
Oh, by the way We didn't meet on blogger: just clearing the air J
Moving On......
Work has been work.......business as usual as some folks would say.
I put myself up to a challenge. 12 dresses by the end of the year with my name on it. well
~House of Double O~ ..........Caramel D gave me that name 3 years ago (I had just met and started hanging out with ~Mister~, she really believed he was The One then, Well now I guess I can say she was right!)
I'm not Fashion Crazy, but i'm the one the girls ask: is this outfit good to go? or What do I wear? Do these shoes match the outfit? will a shorter skirt do the trick?......So, I have a sense of style but it's not as broad as I'd want it to be..........That's why I'd love to live in England, London town to be precise for 2 or more months every summer........Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating when I say live in England, but the shop displays and people walking on the streets each with their own unique style just gives me ......... overwhelming joy, peace and satisfaction.
Still battling with weight gain and weight loss.............it's never ending!!! I intend to be a sexy wife o! even after the consignments arrive......please, I can't shout. It doesn't even help that I married a very sexy man, so each day I am reminded what I have to keep up with!
I haven't done much work today, so I'm off to earn my paycheck for today (how come when I work overtime I never get rewarded.....*rolls eyes*)
Why can't I win a massive Lottery????? One that would accommodate me to put up my feet for the next 5 years.......
Tomorrow is Friday, Thank God!......Have a fabulous weekend people!