My holiday is over.
Sad but true......... I.Have.A.Real.Life.
I'm slowly coming off my shopping high, while trying to remember what's outstanding on my to-do-list at home
Being able to pound the concrete day after day is one of the few things I love to do. Quite frankly I only have a few number of things I love to do, staying indoors being at the top of the list.
*Did I mention that I'm married to a shopaholic*
Going on a holiday is compulsory in my books. I preach this message to anyone I can.
Money can never buy the satisfaction of a get-away, preferably to a sane town.
As it stands, I'm ready for another bout of Lagos and its madness, having rested & topped up my tolerance for insanity.
I have 2 days left, I'm just going to lean back, relax and not think about work or anything relatively close to it.
Actually, ~Mister~ bought the PlayStation Move controller, so I'm off to play some Sports Championship and hopefully burn evil calories I got from chowing All You Can Eat buffets back to back *insert wide grin here*
H.O.L.I.D.A.Y people! spell it with me.
Happy Thanksgiving! (on the other side of the Atlantic that is)
~Sirius~ Signing out.
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