Boredom....an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in their surroundings.
That's how I've been feeling lately.....extremely bored.
What's crazy is that I have tons of things to do.....like read my books! (yes o...adult education ain't easy) I'm currently enrolled in a certification program (work related), 5 exams, so far 3 down 2 more to go..........someone should please tell ~Sirius~ to read her books and not fall asleep when she gets to page 2 (that's if she even picks up the book to read)
So.......I love to cook! (as much as I love to eat *insert wide grin*)
Not to blow my trumpet or anything, I am actually quite good at it. Somehow God knew all of this and blessed me with a husband who enjoys to eat. A lot. (picky sometimes) but he is a sucker for very good food, and so FoodNetwork has me drooling every now and then.
When I was much younger, my Saturday mornings were strictly to cater to my dad and his friends, I would sauté snails and bush-meat in pepper and onions for for them to indulge.
In my late teens....After my Saturday routine had long gone with the wind. I still catered to just my dad....not snails anymore, maybe some dryfish pepper soup or anything he fancied (my dad is a hard man to please when it comes to food- that's why I can manage a husband with the same standards) My dad would tease me that if I ever was jobless that I should open a restaurant- And No, I don't think I ever will.
Now, I do a lot of continental dishes, a lot of sauces.....hubby skewed me in that direction, because he loves restaurant food.
This is as random as it gets.....I can't get the images of Japan out of my head.
A reminder that we should be grateful everyday we are alive.
Off to enjoy my weekend!..hopefully read my books after I catch up on my TV shows.
This is ~Sirius~ Signing out!