Was this really necessary?
We all shared our views with Temite (Wanted to hyperlink.....and she has gone all private on us! Naughty, Naughty!) Do you think that whatever she could have said or done to him was worth this?
There's always two sides to a story, but a battered human being should never be The End.
PS: My heart goes out to Jade Goody(Even though I wasn't a fan of hers due to the Shilpa incident) -A pure example of life taking you unawares.
funny thing, i just saw this picture today.
wait, temite is private? why wasnt i notified?
That picture is not real love, its photoshoped...No official pictures have been released...
But yeah...There are some things that deserve that kind of beating..
let me take cover from all the activists...
wow...Thank God I didn't yell first...lmao..I was just about to...
@ Bumight I found out just now!
@ Afro......lol, Thank God you didn't , Bumight beat you to it.
Pssst, don't spoil ir for the others now.....whoever photoshopped did so using descriptions from the report abi? so it's as good as real.
but if its photoshoped, y was this statement released http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_documents/021909_lapd_statement_1.pdf
who knows d real story
im so sad about Jade Goody, to know ur dying must not feel good and getting married? i make no comment
I don't believe this picture either. TMZ IS a gossip network...I don't see him doing this to her...at all!..This is just the media trying to make some money....is my opinion x!
This is getting a bit nuts. The media should just chill till the LAPD and the Prosecution decide to bring the case to court! Haba! Photoshop or no flipping photoshop (London they are saying it's real shah)I'm getting a bit annonyed!
On that note, Temite why have you gone private now? Please don't! Just use comment moderation if anyone posts a comment you think has crossed the line then you delete it.
@ Afro....You had beter take cover oh!
@ Funms....The link didn't go, Was thinking the same thing about Jade and the whole marriage thing too....anyways it was probably on her list of things to do before dying.....:-(
@ Bob-ij, sweetheart Yep TMZ is a gossip Network, but I assure you, it's amazing how hard a guy can hit a girl, for a moment forget it's Chris Brown.
@ Caramel D...Annoyed to say the least!
I agree with you Temite comment moderation Please!!!!Especially for people who think it sucks.....i.e Doug! lol!
I guess ur right, I just don't want to believe good ol Chris Brown could hit that hard o!
I so DON'T AGREE with Afro, if one's father never battered their child to that point why should some d*ck do it?Nothing warrants a beating...the sad bit which i think the whole world isn't speaking on at the moment is that there are loads more faces that are battered like that or even worse and some even MURDERED!!and their relatives will say to them maybe its something they did...I'm not being an activist but being real about this situation...please lets stand up against domestic abuse not trying to give weak men an excuse to say something warrants such an ass-whopping!! Any guy who has the nerve to beat up my sisters and my girls like that n*gga I mightnt be a fighter but I'll Bruce Lee-DDT-Jackie Chan-Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis your ass!!!..mnxiiiiiiiiii
Don't think it's photoshoped.. There's a photoshoped one doing the rounds already..
Besides.. the cops didn't exactly deny it..
The guy for go try Jet Li..
lmao...actually came back to say London is claiming the pics are real and leaked but I see CaramelD beat me to it...
If Rihana was singing Umbrella over and over wouldn't you beat the living shit out of her too?
lapd is notorious for leaking photos and other celebrity linked details to the press, they have no shame
Its ridiculous, no man should beat touch a woman in a rough way, let alone do her like this. Am glad the media is reacting negatively to this. Pulled out his sponsorship, and stop playing his music.
side note: that picture may have been photoshoped to make it look worse than it actually is.
heard about the jade goody thing..very sad...evern though i didnt know much about her..there were alot of nasty things about her in the press buring the Big brother thingie..but to hear she's dying..its so so sad...
The girls looks so sad in this pic...almost as if she is ashamed but she has nothing to be shameful for...TMZ should never have posted this police shot...as a victim she has her right to privacy so i'm glad the police are investigating the leak
i shared my views at buttercup's...nothing warrants doing this AND leaving the victim unconscious after such an attack. NOTHING.
As african women we should stop making excuses for our men that do such things. Ask yourself do you want this to happen to u or your daughter or your mother?
@afro for your umbrella statement u sef need a beating
i saw this pic too but apparently its being investigated cos they dont think its the true rihanna.. i dont think it is either.
Not a funny picture! I do not support abuse...
My thoughts...everyone ought to be able to control their tongues and their tempers!
errrr seriously though. Poor poor girl. I feel so bad for her. And I would be just as angry if that was Chris Brown's face. Which was my original point. Chris, need to go get help men. that one is taking it to a whole nother level men. Me I dont know about that one. and oh I AM BACK.
God punish Chris Brown and everything he stands for ... romantic agbero!!!
I love Chris......still do-he's so cute
what he did........i can't forgive
Riri.........you can sing umbrella all you want....Sis all you need do is get ear plugs....why beat her...that face is lovely...why taint it?????
Jade...so sorry about her having to live her boys behind...so sad....
@Afro: You are joking, aren't you?
@Temite: How many women can leave noticeable bruises on a man as a result of pummeling him with their fists?
Domestic violence should not be condoned
whether its a man hitting a woman
or a woman hitting a man
photoshop or no photoshop
bruises or no bruises
it is simply not excusable
this is sad...poor rihanna
the whole thing is just upsetting..that is very much an understatement sef..
i just read jade's story briefly..its such a shame....i dont intend to be cynical, far from it, but why is she getting married?
i saw the pix. and it is bad. nothing she did deserves this.
Beating up any1 is terrible.
My dad taught me that at a young age.
4nee; When i saw the pic I told my hubby, if you do that to me, I'll pack my bags.
I have seen so many photoshopped versions, but if this is real....it's sad.
Everytime i see this pic i feel so bad for her. I dont care what she said how he felt he should have walked away....hell even make her walk home i really dont care. Just not lay his hands on her like that. Sad for both him and her....
I have been trying hard not to comment about this...
I simply don’t believe in beatery and battery :-) If worse comes to worst, let woman to woman fight...a victim knows exactly where the shoes hurt...
You know, I saw that picture and I had nothing but disgust for that excuse of a man. I went on to read the story and found that he left her unconscious! What if she had died? That dude should be in jail.
It's crazy
Who the pesin be for the picture sef?
ok ok. I just read Zara's comment.
Its Riha nna.
Go figure.
afrobabe! u don come o....are u playing devil's advocate or wht?photoshopped or not...the guy no try at all.
need boxing lessons? chris brown'll give u for free....
but seriously, i feel for him. hope he gets help....cos it'd be sad to be known as a wife beater ....
Shame about Rihanna. Bigger shame that its in the lime light. This is a private issue.
As for Jade Goody- i know she's not really loved but its still a darn shame. My sympathy goes out to her.
Well, not like what he did is good oh, but the chic is lucky she no dey naija, cos no one would have taken it this serious.
Anyway, i dont support men beating up girls oh. Its just not right. Except of course she gave you HIV
I saw the picture on CNN oh. Maybe its real. Anyway i heard the two of them are back together. Which is really annoying jare
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