I'm still very much alive........work= crazy.......and I'm loving it.
In my spare time between meetings and crazy deadlines, I play around with my Apps on my Ipod. There's one called "Backgrounds"- It lets you download pictures........Very cool pictures too, like this one.
It's also got sections, and under quotes I found these.................Knock yourself out.
Quite frankly, looking back only slows down life's journey.
Hell yeah!
Uhmmmm...........Not me.
I think we should always remember this
True story!
I see my 15year old cousin saying this.........ridiculous if you ask me.
Maybe.........then again, maybe not.
I totally agree with this.
Only you!
I believe very strongly in this.
Story of my life.
A lot of people don't know this
Saying nothing of course........
You heard that here!
Tackle them now or suffer for them.
I think so too.....unless ....unless..............never mind.
Smile for me :-)
Work, work work! that's all I've been eating sleeping and drinking.
They say hard work rewards with success- Can't wait!
My birthday comes up at the tail end of June..............I'll be 1year older. Yikes!......
The Mister is also a June baby (cute init?)......and for the 1st time I'm stuck. No birthday gift.
All because he has everything, all the gadgets I can possibly think of, all the video games that make sense, and his wardrobe was recently re-vamped............*sigh
I guess a couple of perfumes and a good day would have to do it. After all It's the thought that counts.....he he he.
Then again maybe not...........
PS: For folks who in anyway like a little bit of fashion......have fun with my sketches on ~Diva's Divine~
PPS: I noticed I'm not the only one guilty of irregular updates...........the world is dragging its force over us all, work, school, business et all. We SHALL Overcome!!!!