Last time I checked it was ~Sirius~
She seriously can’t be calling me, can she?.
“~Suiris~”............Uhmmm, me?
Yes you...........why the lost look?.........you can’t have that look now, it’s 8 hours away from your runway show, every second counts.
A bit confused- I was so sure those were background dreams, I actually haven’t birth “House of Double O” yet.
My goodness it’s a freaking Tuesday and I’m supposed to be getting ready for work- who is she and what the hell is she talking about.
I must be dreaming...........or so I thought.
Oh no...........Not again!
"Not you, Me!"
Why on earth is he yelling?
Can't he see I am awake, no need to end my hearing ability.
"Of course you...................... what do you mean by me?"
I can hear you loud and clear!
"If I have to pour a glass of cold water all over you to get you out of whatever zone you are in...............I WILL!"
Get up...........we have a plane to fly in 4hrs.
Right!, I say...............
"~Sirius~"......Did I hear that right?
Somebody actually gets it right.
You don't say.
I actually recognize the Voice and face.
~The Mister~
”Yes baby”. As I try to wake up.
"Happy Birthday........."
I look at the time, it’s 2:00am
"Thank you" I shy away
“I Love you Birthday girl”................”Love you too”
I fall right back to sleep
I’ve always wondered what my life would have been like if I had made different life changing decisions.
I don’t regret anything that has happened to me.
In fact..........I believe the path I walk (even though I might be a late bloomer in some aspects of my life) I believe it is the best path for me.
And I know this because God walks with me.
And to Him I am eternally grateful and thankful for my Life.
His Grace is indeed Sufficient for me.
I have grown a lot in the last one year.
Thanks to the many battles I had to face- I defeated you all! He he he
And also the people who were patient enough with me whilst I learnt the new things they taught me.
It’s my day today.............
And I am HAPPY!
PS: The Mister did the most amazing thing ever! Remember how I cried about my new makeup that got stolen 2 months ago, make up I had just invested in from my last trip- well, he went out and bought every single item back with a cute purse to put them all in! And what moved me was the fact that after his research- he handpicked every item from the store himself- he didn’t just let anybody bring stuff to him to select, he went to the stores and picked them himself
So today it's me, him, my BlackBerry and my new Make up!
I mean, What more could a girl want?