*So I deleted the first half of this post*
Work has been crazy......Thank God I love my job. Appraisals in January left me with mixed feelings. I hit below my expectations, leaving me no other option but to aim for 100% and nothing less. So Far, So Good.
A friend said to me, there's no point being good at what you do, because everybody can be good therefore you have to be outstanding in order to make a difference. It hit home.
Her example......B (All you Beyonce haters, feel free to keep on hating) truth be told, that girl works extra hard and deserves everything she's got.
In the mean time.
I've taken video games up. It's me and them.....personal vendetta. I wonder why people would think their kids as dumb or lazy if they played video games.......Men! the thought process involved in gaming is strictly for sharp human minds, and I'm not talking Wii here, No offence. Of course you all know who is subconsciously responsible for this.
I was brought up on the easy stuff, Mario, Duck Hunt, Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic just ran and jumped as far as i was concerned. But with games like God of War and Uncharted......puzzle minded, you are bound to feel lost and confused, and all the buttons on the control pad don't help either. Your brain definitely has to be active. I'm actually having fun playing them..........But i shall not be caught dead with any first person shooters.
Saw a couple of things that reminded me of what we thought was "cool" back in the days.
Remember wearing white socks in your dress shoes? What the Hell was that?
As if that wasn't bad....all the ridiculous things we did as kids, from Licking your plate (hey, don't lie! you did it), to cooking with sand, smoking paper,flogging trees like they were your pupils (i guess we were only imitating our teachers).......not to mention the local games.....10 10, suwe/swell, koso...lol, shooting paper from rubber band.....and the likes of them.
Then came the era when we were concerned about fashion and music.....spice trainers for chics, jelly sandals, skousers, dungarees, clogs then the guys cared about biggie, tupac, bone thugs and lumberjack shirts...lol
Good times....I feel my post losing it's way.....*Yawning*
I'm Off to bed!.....and I promise to put up the deleted half later.
But first I just have to Crack You UP!

kai, this babe, u've just brought back some memories!!! I was koso champion in my compound back then na!!! aaahhhh!!!!
lmsao. dose pix jst made my nite. @white socks: i have a pix of me in buba wit my shoe and sockS on. Wot were our mothers thots bk in dose day? Sand houses...YEAH. D COOKING PART,WE STEAL MUMSIES FUDSTUF JARE. ONCE WE WERE CAUGHT AND THREATNED TO EAT D OKRO SOUP WE MADE. SWIT MEMORIES OF CHILDHOOD.
He is so sexy looking eh.. caressing the grass and all.(Died! LMAO)
I didn't play video games growing up but I did play all the swell,ten ten and counter( igba counter).
flogging trees? I didn't do that one. lol at the pics...
I don't have anything "wise" to say about being good at what you do...I just wanted to say that "sexy daddy" picture cracked me up...
i'm lurvving sexy daddy......wink
cooking with sand was the coolest ish back in the days......
White socks and dress shoes, that was soooo cool, lol. And what are those pictures? That small gun makes me want to say something naughty but I'll resist.
Yeah I believe video games help the intellect. As a matter of fact it stimulates brain juice.
Yeah, I liked plate die.
Remember joca jelly?
lol.....bt i miss suwe sha. i remember in my final yr, we all got so bored of reading (twas a day to final exams) and someone came up with the idea of suwe....mind you, there was no sand in my hostel o, just concrete...come and see agbayas like us, using stones to draw suwe on the concrete floor.....i cn still remember people laughing at us but we really didn't mind!!!
Ha! Joca jellies! And ten-ten!
Some memories!
Of course I laughed out loud at the pictures. And even louder at your disclaimer!
LOL..i remember those white socks with lace
o ten ten...kids these days dont play those games...i wonder how they unwind...watching gossip girls i bet
i swear i had dropd a comment on dis post bt where is it? LOL@THE PIXTURES. HAVE A PIX OF ME ON BUBA AND MY WHITE SOCKS ET SHOE.
I loved 10/10, and cooking in an old Milo tin with sand, water and grass.....ah good times! Those pictures were hilarious! Your friend's comment about work really hit home with me too.
Did you make fun of the Wii*blankStare*.lool! iLove my Wii!!! Aww you just took me down memory lane!..:( those pictures-#Nocomment!
yes i licked my plate, yes i wore sockks on everytn... lol. gone r d days.
lmao at these men, in their minds now they've posed 4 pishure. lol
I remember dancing butterfly and flex dance.
Suwe was so in that time...Rotfl@sexy daddy
LOL ...where the heck did you get thos pictures?
@Lara..I remember spending hours practing 'the butterfly'
without those moments of childhood, life is utterly meaningless. now, i shall go and lick my plate...
Ten-ten, lol. I lived for it then.
My 'best' picture is of me in aso-oke iro & buba with headtie complete with socks and 'tennis'! My mom obviously needed a fashion police.
And by the way, 'sexy daddy' rocks!
looool... Babe those pics are cwazy!
Aah, i smoked paper o! i no go lie. Played Contra HardCops and Mortal Kombat 3; mehn with Noob Saibot, i was totally invincible in MK3! looool!
And then every time we traveled to the villa, all the cassava plants within 100yards of our house would be whipped to stumps before i leave. Near drove my grandpa crazy, lol!
@Ada-bekee: U played counter? Kai, this babe u be real tom-boy! lol...
Memories ey?
Glad you guys enjoyed the post....and for those of you who went of to do more ridiculous things like lick your plates.....go on with your bad self.
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