And so, here I am again.
I don’t know what has gotten into me? (slowly saying that in my head - it sounds……..)
I can’t believe I abandoned my blog! (well, I can) Life has taken the toll on me.
Unfortunately I can't bore you with all the non-interesting details, instead I will motivate you to do something you love.....hehehe
I have this friend, from waaaaay back. She does fantastic stuff with cupcakes! (Anyone who knows me knows I love cake…….and Ice-creamJ) The sad/fortunate thing is……she lives in far away Abuja. So I can’t indulge in all her naughtiness and so I defeat the scale in this battle *wide grin*
At first I was just going to put up one or two photos of her handwork. But I have something better….a blog link
However, for the lazy folks....sneak preview.

I promise to update you on all the non-interesting details...in due time. ( I hope I don't disappear for this long)
For those who are lucky enough to be in Abuja.....you should try them cupcakes. and eat for 2!
is there a reason why this cupcakes were not delivered to me on my birthday? UGH!
very creative :)
Wish I was half as creative... oh well i'm sure I am in some other ways...*wink*
Eat for two and gym for how many? Noooo! thank u!
is this cake provocateur or something?
That looks yummy and you have abandoned your blog again *says the gurl who came back on tuesday* lol
Per your new post.. Ngwa let's go and run around outside naked. That'll give us something mischievous to do.
Wanted to tell you that I'm praying for you - after reading your current post of June 10. (since comments are disabled - probably cause you were feeling like you were whining - Ha) You're not whining. you're just thinking out loud.
I have identified with your thots though. I've been, like you, this safe non-risk taker. (the preacher's kid, ya know) One who always makes peace. My mother called me her "take care of it Patrina" :)
The thing that struck me was your comment: "perhaps I'm sucking up more than I should and I just haven't realized it yet."
I think you might be on to something here :) God has shown me how other's can usurp our personal power. Ask Him for revelation into your current season. I will be praying for restoration and new wine to be poured into you! Stand tall! Don't lay down. Fight for your strength - His strength and power in you to overcome.
Patrina <")>><
lol.. @ eat for 2
but they're attractive. nicee
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