Ladies and Gentlemen this is your Captain Speaking, On behalf of me and the entire crew I would like to welcome you aboard flight YR 2008, a non-stop service From LOS Y2-8K to LOS Y2-9K. Take off time is 00:00hrs 31st December ETA 00:00hrs 1st January, we will be flying at an altitude of the highs and lows of my life. At this time make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened, Also we advise you that as of this moment coming to terms with your present situation is a crucial key to redefining your future. If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to leave a flash of light. Please Note: NO excess baggage Allowed; Pain, Hurt, Anger, Grudge, Unforgiveness, Confusion.
LIFE: I never imagined I would grow so much in just one year, I never imagined that I would find myself in more than half of the situations I found myself in. Overall it’s been a very successful year, I might not have bagged all I thought I would, but I can pat myself on my back and say I’m proud of myself. So I’m older and wiser-Thank you God, I’ve decided to simplify Thank you- (you know yourself :-)) and live life.
I live on certain principles. In every situation I faced this year, I was rescued by either one or more of them, so I choose to share my very simple but powerful words with you, so as you move into the New Year and face new things these words are with you.
· Life is about choices: Make the RIGHT CHOICE today.
· The Will of God cannot place you where the Grace of God cannot keep you.
· God CANNOT give you more than you can bear (you are created to survive any battle you find yourself in)- aaah My favorite, danm any circumstance!
· The Lord will provide ALL my needs- so no need to worry even though the bank account maybe half / totally empty, help is on the way.
· Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself (I must say this one is hard- sometimes I just can’t help but worry)
· I was NOT born to suffer (if it's not worth it, then don't do it)
· Comfort is the name of my game. (it's not about being spoilt, it's about loving myself)
· We only live once (take the risk, you never know)
· Everything happens for a reason; hence all things work together for good- even if the outcome isn’t want you want- I Live by this
FAMILY: Does anyone come from a normal one? I doubt that- we are all crazy and we love each other and that’s all that matters- my parents have been together for nearly 30 freaking years! And my dad still cooks for her- Jeeze! They annoy me to my bone marrow!
WORK: So I served this year, 1 more month to go, the only corper retained effective Jan 1- even though my service year isn’t over, with a proposed fat ass pay cheque (Woo Hoo! Where my Christian Louboutin and jimmy Choo’s @ LOL!)- that’s my Light shinning, contrary to what people may think, if you are light you will always shine even if you don’t mean to.
RELATIONSHIP/FRIENDSHIP/LOVE: * Exhaling. My year old relationship has taught me more than I could have ever learnt in 6 ½ years. Yes I faced the biggest demons ever, demons that I didn’t know existed, demons that break you down and you ask yourself, what the hell am I doing here? After all I was better off all by myself before he came along. I thought I had seen it all until I had to learn the greatest lesson of love and true friendship, I was amazed to say the least, amazed at the strength I found in myself for my friend even though the situation crucially affected my own heart. And I’m glad I could be there for him. I guess now I can understand a little how God must feel- Being there for us even though our current state is hurting him.
Well it’s a new year, Renewal of my Love for God, a renewal of love and friendship, new pay cheque (Woo Hoo!), So my good people dust of your shoulder and have a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S 2009!
On behalf of My Life Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for flying with us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice year!
It is a matter of CHOICE;
It is nothing to be waited for,
It is a thing to be ACHIEVED”
This is your Captain ~Sirius~ Signing out...…..Love you all Mwuah!
(S@*T all did I just go mushy, ewww!)
You're damned right this is a long haul! "the will of God cannot place you where the grace of God cannot keep you" is the bestest! Happy New Year.
lol...Happy new year darling....
Yes, I also believe destiny is achieved...
awwww i love the flight theme u used!
sounds like u've got lots to be grateful for n lots more to look forward to..congrats on being retained btw!
may God bless u in every way this new year!
Happy New Year!
May God bless you and keep you!
Mista Jaycee
Happy New Year, dearest. Thanks for this inspiration. I really loved the words "The Will of God cannot place you where the Grace of God cannot keep you".
All the best and wishing you a great 2009!!!
happy new year
Hey Sirius,
Thanks for checking up on a sistah. Happy New year!
The principles you live by are definitely similar to mine. I am learining to trust God for everything, and not worry.
I loved the way you wrote this! Happy New year to you!!!
"God CANNOT give you more than you can bear"
I liked this post alot..i thnk God for seeing us tru 08 and into 09..HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR..this yr will be like no other.i jus hv dt feeling.
Gurl, I so hear you on this one!!!Happy New Year and may it be a fabulous one for you xoxo
no excess bagage indeed allowed!
happy new year!
tot I commented on this....
or did I just read?
errrrm, awaiting approval so i probably did...lol..
Happy New Year Sirius!
Happy new year darling and congratulations on being retained.
happy 2009 susu :)
our year of unspeakable joy'
@ Emeka Amakeze Yes o! Happy new year to you too.
@ Afro LOL! Comment approval had you confused ey? If we believe it, we can achieve it.
@ Doja, Happy New year to you...Heading to your spot.
@ Buttercup, Sweetie it's the closest I can get to flying right now, LOL, and a Big Amen to that!
@ Mista Jaycee, May God continue His works in your Life, Happy new year.
@ Rita, Glad you like it, It's really powerful you know, May 2009 be all you want it to be.
@ Ibi.....Happy nu year hon....XoXo
@ Nefertiti...was missing you, No worries this year.
@ Miss O, Thanks...practicing, after all the say practice makes perfect...he he, Happy new year.
@ XSn I'm so feeling this year, you have no idea!
@ Shona, May it be fabulous for us all!
@ Zara... Traveling light is the best we can do for our selves.
@ SS Same to you...*Costa rica keeps ringing in my head. LOL
@ Badderchic, Same to you and Thanks..... financial indepence- finally!
@ LG, you know now, Blogsville will not be able to handle it.
happy new year
And this.....
Is my new year sermon.
Way to go girl!
You really did drop it!
Thanks for dropping by mine.
Will be trawling thru yours in the coming days
wow powerful post!
ur dad is so cute!!!
congrats on the fat ass salary...lol
i love those quotes
hapy new year ~Sirus~
Investigating huh...lmaooo
Errrrm, not the same estate at all...mine had no fences at all between buildings...
Happy new year Sirius. I wish you a properous year! God bless!
how come im just reading this???????? need to be visiting often... great write up! Happy new year
Happy new year! You definitely had a good year, may 2009 be the beginning of new things in yuor life...amen!
Happy new year! You definitely had a good year, may 2009 be the beginning of new things in your life...amen!
Congrats on the bad ass paying job...!
Amen! No excess baggage for me either Love!
Ok...we have missed you...Happy New Year from City Girl and myself
love the quote about destiny being achieved....xxxx
Happy new year!
@ Majoram, Thanks Sweetie
@ Tobenna Preach it! Will be checking on you too....
@ Aloted...Thank you, Yeah, I guess you can say it's Kinda cute what my dad does.
@ Afro...It must have been a mix up, or maybe not?
@ Tigeress ....SHe's alive!!! Having too much fun you forgot about us huh?
@ Fums...Too much fun over the festive season....Thanks and happy new year too.
@ Writefreak...A BIG AMEN to that!
@ CD...you got that right!
@ K, OOps CG and BG...LOL group hug. Happy new year sweeties.
@ Bumight....Happy New year!!!!
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