Eyes wide awake, Insomnia has hit me like never before. My body is knackered and suffering exhaustion, seeing as I have been on clockwork mode for the past 3 days without proper rest...and yet, here I am wishing for daylight so I can lose my mind in the midst of all Fashion has to offer me: - To think I actually believed nothing excites me.......
Rewind 9:00am 7th March
1st stop.........the bra shop, to get proper fitting....and boy did I get the shock of my life.......The results should excite me, but no it didn't, it actually upset my mood.
I dive into the deep end.......8 Lasenza's later I'm feeling all good with myself J
Next Stop........The West End!
Rewind 11:23pm 7th March
1 suitcase full, a couple of missed trains and buses, a freezing butt with sore hands & feet, this dame still has her game, but all I need right now is sleeeeep!
Today 20:00pm
With half a suitcase more.......At this rate I might have to cargo more than one suitcase.........Gosh....There are just so many things to buy! I'm drooling over my new collection of shoes......I think I need help here, 11 pairs and counting....with a more than a week to go.......I'm off to bed right now.....It's me and Westfields Tomorrow.
I thank God I don't live in this city......
Little does my bestmate know, but I am dragging her along with me come her day off!
giving a literal meaning to "shop till you drop!"
ps: *whispers* am i first?
lol..I really hated it when I worked at the west end cos all the correct shops were just outside my door...was broke every month..now I just realised I cant even walk with half of the shoes....
As for Insomnia...welcome to my world...
You shop like it's an Olympic sport! The trip hasn't even started oh!
PS You will see which force on this planet will make you carry an innocent soul with you on your type of shopping trips!
Damn, i havent gone shopping in a while!
Giving me a pair of those shoes wudnt dent ur collection, wud it? :D
OH MY GOSH - you and caramelD are BEST MATES. Just figured it out. Well the next time you people decide to do this, I DEMAND to be invited. I have this unholy obsession with visiting places like manchester, wales and liverpool. Gosh I just love prouncing those names. Imagine me saying Hi, my name is Temite and I come from Manchester or wait...BATH. gosh glad you are having fun. The breat increased ehn? Well I SO FEEL YOU. Me sef need a shopping trip right about now. XOXO
Hold up........ Could u possiblybe the friend CaramelD,jus talked abt?
I envy u small sha, i also thank God i don'tlive in that city. I would have resorted to some sort of thievery by now!
insomnia... tell me about it.... going thru it now. wish i could go shopping tho. wanna send me some of those shoes?
Sirius, the credit crunch is dealing with some of us so the mall is a no no for me.
So are u shopping cos u're travelling somewhere or just adding to your wadrobe. Shopping is very very good therapy.:)
Bumight u dey do Blog patrol?
All I wanna know is what size do wear? Hook a sista up!
Are the 11 shoes for sale :-)
oh shopping is the best...how I miss it..the heart, feet and soul are willing the budget is not
@ Bumight....1st (I think you're beating Temite to this)
@ Worked at West End! Never....I'll lose my mind!....I hope this insomnia doesn't last too long.
@ CaramelD On second thoughts she might slow down my shopping, so I've let her off the hook....of which the Olympic body should include shopping as a sport!
@ Buttercup..Sweetheart Not at all....What size do you wear * praying really hard we don't have the same shoe size.....*evil grin.
@ Temite...so who made you a CTU/ FBI agent now, ehn? lol. Special invitation for Temite from Winchester ...he he he.
@ Mizchief......Thievery no be small I tell you.
Hmmm being mischievous are we? CSI should employ you and Temite....lol
@ Funms....If they will make you sleep at night I'll send them over ASAP!
@ Tigeresss.......I tell you it's so therapeutic for me, overhauling my wardrobe oh...it's long overdue.
@ Nefertiti....For you I'll do anything, what be your request.
@ Rita........Nope! For wearing by my cute little piglet feet.
@ K....I can imagine, This is an annual therapy session, can't afford it as a lifestyle.....just yet. LOL
nne how farz???? hope u have voted o *wink*
*i just want to remind u to buyyyy me one oha top :-)
norrin do u
LG are u ever serious!!!
uv always been a shopaholic!
I heard a rumour there was a recession... until I stumbled on this blog..
What planet do you live on again?! :)
Last post by RocNaija - Success.. A thin line!
Wow!!! I was at Westfields the other day and was proud of myself for walking out of that place without a pair of shoes...actually I only had MAC lipgloss in my hands and nothing else...yup Credit Crunch has taught me well..lol!!
Lol! You want to carry a whole store with you on board a plane? Lol! Good luck to you!
my weakness is shoes and handbags... i love shopping like this but i only ever do it these days for holidays...credit crunch is making me stil my ass at home.
ok i know why i would be excited if i went for a bra fitting...so shy didn't that get u excited? cos i'm thinking if only!!!
you are hereby summoned for the next shopaholic anonymous meeting, holding at selfridges on oxford, 12noon, sunday...come with ur credit card and all the cash u can lay hands on:)
i wish i had a holiday like right now.
ok. im interested in the shoes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! just send them over
pass some of the shoes. there's love in sharing
where r my comments disappearing to now?
Ah ah! you prolly had insomnia cos you were thinking of all the things you needed to buy! You're indeed a shopaholic!
sirius! soomeone else with insomnia, eh? would love to be you, right about now.
is it too late
Lol@ Rocnaija's comment...obviously, the recession hasnt reached your side..
And yes like nerfertiti said, you need to hook us up oh...11 pairs of shoes and still counting??? hmmmmm..
Let me not come and do 'armo-robber' for u oh...lol!!
Shopping is kinda exciting at the moment coz of all the new spring summer trends coming out.
Has Sirius heard of credit crunch?????????
clearly you think its a cereal lol
@ LG you know for you I'll do anything *wink. Which one is oha top now? abeg.
@ XSN....Uhm, That would make both of us, as you are also guilty of being a shopaholic.
@ RocNAija....NO recession here...I'm in Sirius's Planet.
@ Shona......you sure learnt a good lesson....I don't think I'd be able to do that.
@ Doug (Mr. Run away)...let it be....I'll carry the whole store.
@ Shubby Doo.... Definitely a holiday spree and 2 sizes up worries me.
@ FQ....Will be there at the exact time....I feel you on the holiday right now, because mine was long over due.
@ Uzezi....Comment moderation darling. 1st of all, what size do you wear? Let's start from here.
@ WriteFreak......Do I sense this has happened to you before?
@ Freaksho...We both have insomnia, but different causes.....loving being myself right about now too.....I can pacify you....send in your list.* NO WATCHMEN PLEASE!
@ Fashinga....I have well trained snipers, be warned, me and my shoes are getting home in one piece!
@ MDM....I know, Iknow...Tell me about it, the colours and all, very 80's though.
Credit *what?....Never heard of it.....lol.
I am so beefing ryt now!
cant travel until i get confirmed in 6 months, and because i'm trying to do some heavy duty saving and trying to discipline myself, i cant spend like i wanna! *pouts*
insomnia seems to be the order of the day now.
can i have some La Senzas? pretty please? *bats eyelashes*
depending on ur shoe size, u shld send one pair of shoes to my babysis..Buttercup... and u must take my other sis Temite with u on ur next shopping trip! lol
lmao @ miss DM! Credit crunch cereal! lol!
I humbly come to apologise for the oversight...how could I ever leave your name of dedicated readers?? Maybe I can convince CG to send you a Balenciaga bag to cover up for this mishap?.....of course I realise you are not materialistic so said bag won't cover up the pain but it could go towards making you smile just a little bit..right?...lol
this used to be me! still is!
i didnt like the movie... wished i had stuck to the books alone..... wow, u really do have a lot of stuff, im like that too.... guess thats the price of being a lady....:)
i loove westfield! that mall is great!:)
awww smaragd, u r such a fabulous sis..lol..
@ ~sirius~..im a UK 7!
wat city????
lemme go to!
I totally understand how u ffel tho...shopping kinda sends down some sort of relief down ur spine *aslong as ur not thinking of the money tho*.lol...Been a minute since i last shopped heavy tho, but coming soon...so ill shop for all my lost times to the malls and stores.lol
11 pairs of shoes.. where is the love, there is love in sharing ooo.
11 pair of shoes...pls dash me one :)
I wish i can shop like that...this credit crunch is just eating all my money even before i spend it!! not fair
It is not evrybody d credit crunch dey crunch jare! Carry go shop till u drop, just add a size 6 Manolo Blahnik for me, dont mind wat color- suprise me!- as u can see i no dey ask 4 too much.. lol
Lol.. @ Sirius planet..
An unexpected addition to the solar system..
Just came through to read your response..
Noticed my blog and Afro's dont update on your blogroll..
Try using these two links instead.. They should work!
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