(I hope you sang my title like in SmallVille)
It's a little known fact.
I suffer an O.C.D
"Stacking up on Victoria's Secret Lip Gloss"
Just sent for my Christmas stash......J
And BOOM!.........

The same can be said for my collection of L@'Senza bras too......J
And BOOM!.........

The same can be said for my collection of L@'Senza bras too......J
But Sorry......
Private viewing only *wink*
NAH you dont need saving dear
I jus need to send mama to give you a good ol walloping and then you will know that vaseline can mosturise your lips just as good as victoria's nonsense lol
wow, that's a lot of lip gloss. And, why can we not get pics of the em, unmentionables?
hiiissss, i guess not. VS sure will like u.
Lol was hoping to see d bra collection. But wait o, which will u finish all dat lip-gloss? Too much!
i am so serious...i really did sing it like smallville even b4 i saw what u wrote!
plz throw me one of those glosses o!I need!!
When will you finish all that? I have three and think it's too many. LOL, let's see the bras too na...
Nna I think about those bras,
Then I think about Señor Dimepiece chasing me with a 12 inch dagger
Seeing only lipgloss is a lot safer
Hola Miss Pretty, it's been a looooooong while.
@ MDM.....Pls !!!!! don't I promise to fish out Vaseline. pretty please!
@Tigeress... Comment Moderation, but you were close! as for VS liking me, it's more like liking my cash flow towards them.
@SSD....I know! Ha! I don't want to cause wahala on blogspot showing of my X rated property.
@Undercover07.....Girl, hope on o! there shall be no viewing.
@Gee....lol! Oya, will post you some.
@MW....LOL! see what??? Sorry you have no privilege rights for viewing
@Cerberus....ROTFLMAO!, He'll definitely hunt you down. Yes o< long while.
haha! I sang it like smallville too!! addict much! I love those lip glosses!! :)
Please oh, recommend some bra styles for me. I can't go lingerie shopping to save my own life...
thats a lotta gloss lips babes. pls send some my way. merry xmaz
Lol..send them to aunty!!!
There is no need to save you. NONE at all ...its a healthy addiction because guess what? I have it too...lol
enjoy your OCD
dem lips gotta stay plumped......
uh oh u got a whole stack ur lip gloss is def popping! :) lol.
na wa o!!! but i understand shaa... i am a former lip gloss addict...i went to lip gloss rehab! u shud too ooh!
I know the feeling. I thought i was an adddict, but i see u're worse.
My "sugar high" finished a while ago and i'd been sqeezing shege out of the tube. Just replaced it with "iced-teased" and "i want candy" yesterday, so my lips are popping (and tasty too)
An unrepetant addict! LOL
VS gloss is the ish.
One last me forever...
Join the Lipglossholics Anonymous.
I dont believe you about the other items... until i see them!
my obsession(s) are fragrances, pointy ankle booties( oxford like ones)and watches. I cannot help it.
i love dose VS lip gloss too...
Hmmm....so why can't we view the bra's now? no fair...
You need to be saved...lol!!!
Happy holidays :-)
Later luv!!
To think that I wanted to give you lip gloss for xmas...well u must take the one I have for you and add to your collection.
Hope you had a wonderful christmas. Take care and happy new year in advance.
Lol...My VS lipgloss collection is still up and coming.
Happy 2010!
Ada Owerre: Ashi m ma ashi happy New Year. Ihe ri mma ga ari anyi mma ahu na afo ohuru a! Amin!
Onye shi ihe oma ariya mma ahu, ya jema je du daaaaa! LOL
happy new yr
We know you are somewhere in blogsville...please come and update :-)
happy new yam, babe! No update yet?
Hope all is well.
u know that i know about your addition right? lol.
yes, i'm back, and hopefully better.
how've u been?
Happy new year!
Can i have one puhlease...lol
Nothing wrong with stocking up for the new year. Hope you had a fabulous holiday!
Sirius!!!! Update jo!!! You have moved to the bottom of my blogroll, haba!
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