My best friend told me that break- up songs are the best songs in the world.
Believe me, he is right.
I guess it’s the fact that we can identify with the words and emotions of the singer.Well, I’m assuming only those of us with 1st hand experience agree with me.
Meanwhile being able to indulge in music while working rocks!
Lately I find myself listening to the words (Well, Googling the lyrics to most of them * smiley with a big grin*) and loving the logic behind some of the songs.
Take for instance Jay-z’s “Off that” from The Blue Print 3.
Jay raps about "your tomorrow being his yesterday"
I'm so tomorrow,
The Audemars are yesterday,
Which means you’re on time delay,
So even if I slow it doooown,
My sound is fast forward
(Uhm, Audemars makes watches...get the time delay logic?)
Meaning ……. “Whatever you’re about to discover we off that” And “you can’t bring the future back”
I like a guy who has confidence in his achievements.
Mariah’s lyrics in “Up out my Face” cracks me up!
She sings about her breaking and giving the guy the boot.
“It's not chipped
We’re not cracked
Oh, we're shattered………..
It gets bad.
“Cause when I break, I break, I break
And no super glue can fix this”(huh?)
Then it gets worse
“When I break, I break, I break
Not even a welder and a builder could rebuild this
When I break, I break, I break
Not even a nail technician with a whole lot of gel and acrylic
Can fix this”- (LOL)
Then this…
“When I break, I break
If we were two Lego blocks
Even the Harvard University graduating class of 2010
Couldn’t put us back together again”- (Ouch!)
Totally hilarious, and I must say this song has grown on me.
Ever wonder what kids get up to these days?
A two year old child who was rated the slowest in development amongst his peers turned out to be the first child to make a 3 word sentence to his nursery teacher.
“Go away…….Bitch”
I know right.
Three weeks ago my 12 year old cousin poured water into the oil compartment of their generator.
Last week she dimmed it fit to find herself in her dad’s car cooling off, no thanks to the current heat situation in Lagos.
A few minutes later, there was no wall between their house and their neighbours .
She said “The car jumped”
I wonder how an automatic car jumps.
It was found in the freezer.
*Rolls Eyes*
That's what kids have been up too.
Have a Fab week People.....Hopefully some of us have only four working days this week.
Woo Hoo!
~Sirius~ Signing out