Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Will Be Will Be

So, my 2011 was full of many highs and lows, so many that I couldn't wait to start 2012. I wanted to quickly forget some things that happened, finally get over some other things and not have to ponder on bitter sweet life changing experiences.

And so I ended the year with a bang! A full house filled with family - what more could I ask for. First christmas with the little man, I had to bring  my Mommy A-game on. ( If anyone had told me years ago that I would be married, let alone be a Mom, I would have bet my life on their insanity: that's a story for another day).
We had a wonderful Christmas and I started the tradition that my mum used to keep, leaving presents wrapped under the Christmas tree for everyone in the house. It was pure bliss seeing their faces light up as they unwrapped their gifts.  My darling husband wouldn't let me rest because he wanted to see what he got long before Christmas day. However I survived his torments, and he had no choice but to wait.

Taking a break off work to be with family was grand. I can tell you for free that juggling your life as a woman, a career woman, a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter ain't Easy!

I am almost back to my pre pregnancy weight. *whoop whoop* even though I still have about 7kg to lose to get there, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel having lost a total of 18kg in the last four months. In other words ~Sirius~ is a yummy mummy.
I swear by Jillian Michaels. That woman's workout works on fat cells that have not moved in the last 10yrs.
After going through all this, I can't understand the how women give birth more than once.#justsaying ( Feel free to judge me)

I decided that 2012 will be the year I Live.
Live life to the fullest, no inhibitions.
Because life is darn to short.

So, you can imagine the year opening in grand style for me. A thankful heart, a prophetic word from Sunday morning service and then GEJ's wonderful fuel subsidy announcement. I say- All things work together for good for those who love Him. We shall continue to #OccupyNigeria

My life is going to be what I decide to make out of it.
And so will our lives as Nigerians. If we decide to fight this to the end, then we will not only succeed for ourselves, but for our children as well.

My little man is just too adorable to give up the good fight. He says happy new year to you all, and may 2012 be whatever you want it to be for you.

~Sirius~ and Lil S' signing out.


mizchif said...

Hey yummy mummy! Lil Man looks so adorable.
Happy new year.

Asampetee said...

Walahi this child is all sorts of cute!!!...Major kudos to you and Freaksho and Yay to you been a yum mum

Looking forward to hearing your 'story' some remind me of some girl that used to be on some sister speak forum...or maybe it's d avatar

Happy New Year S and all the best with the juggling

Jennifer A. said...

Awwww I'm in love with his superman outfit. Congratulations Sirius on everything God has done and will do for you.

LohiO said...

omg he is so big now!!! Love! Happy new year!

doll (retired blogger) said...

18KG in 4 months is amazing. Happy new year and your little man is very adorable. I’m looking forward to the wife part but not the mom part yet.

Beautiful said...

he's soooooo cute! i want a baby *whining*

aside: is jillian micheals that good? i tried signing up to the online program but have been debating the many pound sterling involved.

Hazel said...

Welcome back dearie. Junior is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

downtheaisle said...

nice to see ur lil cutie!!!!he's cute!!!

and pls tell me, how did u lose 18kg in 4months...dats some achievement. I am rushing off to jillian micheals site

happy new year!

~Sirius~ said...

@ Mizchief he's yummy like his mummy :)

@ Asampetee Thanks! I will tell that story someday. me, forum? maybe it's the avatar.

@JA Amen to that! Thanks

@LohiO He is! too heavy to carry around

@doll, hmmmm, better enjoy the wife part well o! before the kids come

@beautiful lol. Becareful what you wish for. As for Jillan- worth every penny, provided you stick with the program. Try being her 30day shred dvd 1st

@Hazel Thanks!!! He gat it from his mama ;)

@downtheaisle LoL. Jillian+ hardwork+, dedication

ms.composure said...

I stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to show a little blog luv!
def enjoyed this post!! def loving your motto (to live)!

Fragilelooks said...

ur baby is so very CUTE. YOU Make me want one like nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. HAPPY NEW YEAR MUMMY

ibiluv said...

CUTIE HE IS.........



HoneyDame said...

LMAO..You and this your superman outfit. I think he was also wearing a superman outfit in the first picture of him I saw which Freaksho put out....such cuteness!
You are strong o! Without being pregnant sef, workouts are not my strongest suites...talkess of when I will have a good excuse like "I am still sore joor"!
U strong well well yummy mummy!

Zayzee said...

very cute and so big.

May said...

Cute baby!! I'm your Newest follower, and i hope you come visit me back :-))
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