A Little Light Is All We Need
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Happy Ending...
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Fat Loss 101: A Concise Guide To Rapidly Losing Body Fat
Aloha people!

*Sigh* A mum of twins!!...My inspiration right there, you can read her story by clicking on the link.
I can see some light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is pretty loooooong!
Made good progress so far. Eating for weight loss in Nigeria can be a huge pain.
I have a short write up that guides me...found it here.....my holy grail for body transformation, I also live on this website
There is so much confusing info online that looking for a way out is a pain. Things I know for a fact-..DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON BOOKS, PILLS, DIETS, MACHINES THAT CAN GIVE YOU GREAT ABS IN 10 DAYS! all of those are LIES!
Have to get back to work now.... that me 2 months before and after J
~Sirius~ Signing out......XoXo
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Polka Dot Monday!!!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
She's backkkkk...
I never really got my pre pregnancy body back after my darling N was born. I did look super 3 months after (almost back) to my normal weight and size and somehow I lost it after that.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
What did Baby ~Sirius~ say to Mama ~Sirius~
Grabs broom, inserts stick at the bottom, grabs flashlight and begins to find way to blog.
Months later...
*Phew! I can't believe it's taken the end of year syndrome or should I say new year syndrome to bring me out of my hiatus.
Well, what can I say. At least I'm here now :)
I just did a before and after examination of myself: shocking discovery (or not). My before says to my after "Sweet Jesus! Girl, what on earth happened to you?"
You used to be like me, you know: young and alive! passionate and excited (not that you don't look young) but... you look DEAD.
Alive but Dead.
No passion, no excitement, distant and lost.
Hanging my head in shame, I realize that this is true.
Not proud of it, but I just let life and its trials get the best of me.
What on earth happened to me?
In recent times I've been thinking about death more often than usual, I have all the bad news from 2012 causing this, and my worst fear is to die without living!
Things happen in one's life and you're not sure how to recover, you get overwhelmed by other milestones like giving birth and becoming a mother (yet to come to terms with that one till date). You hate your body and yet can't be disciplined enough to lose the last 10kilos so you can be a perfect size 10.
You lack passion for the things you love, so much so that it begins to kill the love.
You yearn desperately for something and instead it keeps going farther away from you.
It feels like the world is against you. You have no reason to try, no reason to hope, no faith to believe.
You just exist.
That sucks...
What's amazing is the fact that I'm surrounded by things that should move me, things that should keep my fire burning, however I chose to ignore them. Just because things were not how I wanted them to be.
This morning, I looked at my husband get ready and leave for work, I smiled in my head and it was warm. I have an awesome life partner.
As for our son, Have you looked into his eyes?...you will fall madly in love with him instantly, him and his bag of tricks.
I didn't make any new years resolutions, but I have began to live by the grace of God.
I am appreciating life and its moments. I will not stop yearning, I will keep my hope and faith alive.
I seize to just exist.
Life is really too short to die sad & unhappy.
I choose to live!
I choose to do right by myself and the people that I love in my life.
I choose to dream
I choose to chase my dreams.
I choose to love
I choose to love passionately.
I am eager and excited!
A little light was all I needed to overcome my dark days :)
It's 2013 people.
~Sirius~ signing out.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness......
I'm sure someone out there will read that title and it will hit them, that is exactly what they are doing.
On the contrary, I am currently not addicted to a certain type of sadness
It's amazing how words still have a very strong hold on me.
In other news it's May! can you believe that?! (errr....of course you already do). The year is heading for the finish line and I think it's leaving me behind. I thought I would be a millionaire by now, however living from pay cheque to pay cheque is the wrong way to go about it ( or Not) *wink.
I'm sure for other people Airtel has the answer on how to be a millionaire by age 24........hissssss "fast is an attitude" my foot!
I refuse to bore you with any mummy details :) but if the young man could sprint for the Olympics he would. I thought I was the energizer bunny, you all should meet the little man. He'll wear you out in 2 minutes.
I'm loving colours now. I even wear red lipstick. And yes.....those are my loucious lips.
Colours lift your mood.....and good music too.
I miss here....
A lot has been going on around, from Boko Haram, to us Manchester United fans giving up on the team wining this season, to BBA Stargate (for the addicts), to the scam that this country is- Nothing works and we just keep living our lives while absolutely nothing is being done about it. Everything is tied to a "cabal".....hissss
I get really tired about everything sometimes
I need
Loving the new blogger layout......it actually made me want to put up a post.
In other news
I want to watch Avengers o!!! Boko haram should please allow me.
My Boo has a question......
"Are you guys really sure Nigeria will get better any time soon?"
Isn't he soooo cute? *wide grin*
~Sirius~ Signing out!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What Will Be Will Be
So, my 2011 was full of many highs and lows, so many that I couldn't wait to start 2012. I wanted to quickly forget some things that happened, finally get over some other things and not have to ponder on bitter sweet life changing experiences.
And so I ended the year with a bang! A full house filled with family - what more could I ask for. First christmas with the little man, I had to bring my Mommy A-game on. ( If anyone had told me years ago that I would be married, let alone be a Mom, I would have bet my life on their insanity: that's a story for another day).
We had a wonderful Christmas and I started the tradition that my mum used to keep, leaving presents wrapped under the Christmas tree for everyone in the house. It was pure bliss seeing their faces light up as they unwrapped their gifts. My darling husband wouldn't let me rest because he wanted to see what he got long before Christmas day. However I survived his torments, and he had no choice but to wait.
Taking a break off work to be with family was grand. I can tell you for free that juggling your life as a woman, a career woman, a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter ain't Easy!
I am almost back to my pre pregnancy weight. *whoop whoop* even though I still have about 7kg to lose to get there, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel having lost a total of 18kg in the last four months. In other words ~Sirius~ is a yummy mummy.
I swear by Jillian Michaels. That woman's workout works on fat cells that have not moved in the last 10yrs.
After going through all this, I can't understand the how women give birth more than once.#justsaying ( Feel free to judge me)
I decided that 2012 will be the year I Live.
Live life to the fullest, no inhibitions.
Because life is darn to short.
So, you can imagine the year opening in grand style for me. A thankful heart, a prophetic word from Sunday morning service and then GEJ's wonderful fuel subsidy announcement. I say- All things work together for good for those who love Him. We shall continue to #OccupyNigeria
My life is going to be what I decide to make out of it.
And so will our lives as Nigerians. If we decide to fight this to the end, then we will not only succeed for ourselves, but for our children as well.
My little man is just too adorable to give up the good fight. He says happy new year to you all, and may 2012 be whatever you want it to be for you.
~Sirius~ and Lil S' signing out.