Oh no, I can tell this is a very muddled up post, More like a diary entry…..might not make sense to anyone but me.
· * Long Exhale…….. I have officially served my country and I can say it was quite an experience; I’ve never wanted something to be over so bad…..So bad that when I was handed the flipping piece of paper (The Certificate that is) I looked at it and said “Is this it?” ………Really? ………….All that hassle for this? I thank God for seeing me through this “ordeal”- as I would like to call it, and be warned NYSC truly means Now Your Suffering Continues………..It’s a colossal waste of time, and I’m glad it’s over for good! I would miss CD days though, it's the only official excuse to work four times a week.....*sigh
*Longer exhale……… got a lot going on around me…….. a lot on my mind, enough things to demoralize me and my state of mind, yet I am far from being demoralized (dunno why- ok I know why), a bit worried- this I cannot help, seeing as it is human nature, but then again worrying doesn’t change anything, and for the 1st time in my life I am letting myself share all of this with a very good friend of mine. I never share- I’m usually an All-in-one Package kind of person, I Do EVERYTHING for myself by myself, but this time I just can’t help it………….it feels like all the things weighing me down get dumped at the sight of my friend J, It’s amazing…… so amazing that I feel at peace in the midst of madness …….and that just makes me HaPpY.
I was meant to share a quote based on my current state of affairs but Funms beat me to it…..So here, I’ll share this with you guys and I’m sure at least one person will use this as the missing piece to whatever puzzle they are trying to solve in their lives right now.
Am I first?
Sounds like one of those moments of liberation in a persons life..
When you've finally lost sight of the shore to discover new seas..
Good on ya!
Hmmmmm the post actually sounds a bit sad...hope you are ok dear...
The way you felt about receiving that nysc cert was the same way I felt about collecting my bsc cert...I was like...6 freaking years (plus strikes)for this?? I could have typed it myself...
I couldnt agree more about NYSC, nobody has been able to convince me that it is a useful/worthy experience, mchew.
good quote, it will come in handy.
Ah darling...the post made sense to me! Yay for finishing finally another chapter finished for real. I love your attitude many people worry and find no solutions and its good you are sharing your worry so that maybe their advice can point you in a different direction. I pray everything will work out for you whatever it is you are worrying about. Thanks to you and Funms for sharing that quote...LOVE IT!!!
@ Afro......No. 1 spot..I'm ok, it's just life trying to get on my nerves........LOL!!!! @ the Certificate thing, funny I haven't even collected mine- Bsc, really can't be bovered.
@ RocNaija ....real Liberation I tell you
@ Smaragd...I'm just glad the freaking thing is over...hey, how's the new job?
@ K...Glad you loved it! It's annoying when things slow down, and my, sharing did help A LOT!.....Just waiting for this to pass....
I didnt even know u were a corper!...Sirius? what else dont I know about you...oya come and tell aunty Bumight!
congrats on finishing!
awww poor u.... sorry about whatever ur going thru.... its well. i felt the way when i served too.....hiss....stupid certificate but my mum was excited, she went to laminate it...lol
i like that quote.... its just a chapter..... I need to go close a lot of chapters and not the whole book!
have a great week darling
Sirius, I will need more details than that! Anyhoos, congratulations. I wanted to serve until I read this post. uhmmmmmmmmm. Sorry about warever ur going through. And I am glad you have someone to share it with. XOXO.
Congrats on completing NYSC!!!!
Is it really a waste? I know some CDs are quite helpful (planting trees in our deforestation and hanging out with highscool kids as mentors). Anyway,
Happy New month!
Aww Congratulations, Darling! I am soo happy for u! Now on to bigger things!
I'm sorry about how u feel right now. I pray that this friend is what you need for this season and all seasons too. It is well!
Thanks for the quote, does me alot of good. Have a great week ahead
Congratulations baby girl! It's not easy at all! I felt the same way adn Fumms has reminded me that not only did I not laminate mine, I'm not actually sure where it is....LOL!
Sweetheart take it easy you hear. It's good that you are talking to someone, when a problem is spoken out loud it looses some of its teeth.
You need a HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Very good quote..infact i think i should print it out.
Congrats on getting your certificate...all done and finished with , well done
Hope you're keeping well. Have a fab week xx
Congratulations...at least no one would say they wont give you job becos of no discharge certificate :-)
Take it easy and may the peace of God fill you...
Hi dear, Please add this to your blog list
Thank you
Congrats on finishing NYSC!
and i pray that God gives you peace, i sorta know that feeling!
Congratulations on completing your NYSC
im glad that despite the fact that you feel down you have a friend to share it all with,
hope you feel better soon
congrats on ur nysc completion and all the best with the next step..
having a good friend is the best thing that cud happen to anyone!
i hope u sort it all out..mwah mwah!
Hey Sirius!!! im new to your blog and i love what i see.
Congratulations on your latest acheivment..
Whatever you got going on, just know that its just for a while and it will pass...
And this friend that makes you forget all your troubles..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...lol!!
Anyway, love your blog, will be back!!
congrats on nysc...i really cant wait to get thru with the whole hassle....
altho like u said, i love not going to work on mondays..its like i have a three day weekend:)
i love that quote.
Aboki, make you vote for me for winner of The Worthless & Meaningless Naija Bloggers Award (a.k.a Backlink Generator). I go give you flenty, flenty contract to build internet super expressway.
@ Bumight.....well, I guess I never mentioned it *wink, Lemme see, what else don't you know? A whole LOT more....lol
@ Funms....it is well indeed, Ah! I laminated mine too....lol, funny things happen in this country, abeg I need my proof in good condition.
@ Sweetheart, still go, foreign students get to choose what state they serve in. it'll be quite an experience....I think it's necessary too, you never know what the future holds.
@ Abj Maiden.....Thanks love....well not all states have such CD days, mine didn't
@ Nefertiti...It is well indeed.....and a big Amen to that prayer!
@ Anon....you are very welcome.
@ Caramel D..Thanks sweetie!.......one Caramel D holiday coming up!
@ WordMerchant........Feel free to print, you can also share with people you know............Happy that chapter is closed for good!
@ Rita......Yes o! They wouldn't even dare try it!....lol
And the peace of God is with me.Amen.
@ CA...on it.
@ Writefreak......Amen! & Thanks
@ MDM........Thanks Missy, A burden shared is half solved I tell you.
@ Burra....Sweetheart thanks A mil....things are actually beginning to fall into place.
@ Fashinga...Thanks! glad you love it....*cough cough, what are you trying to insinuate, ehn?...lol
@ FQ...pls enjoy your long weekends now....I tell you, you will actually miss them.
@ Secret Diary..LOL...right on it
bloody waste of a year
i enjoyed the first three weeks though
while the paper does not seem like it was worth waiting for.....
try getting a *job* in naija without that green paper.......
love the quote........
I feel you on the NYSC thing. Its just so much hardship and risk!A total waste of time, if you ask me.
The quote does make a lot of sense.
Congratulations...and thank God its over...lol.
Congrats!!!!!! So what next? The famous questions right? :) P.s. yap keep that paging turning as need be.
Ok first new loves, then turning pages. I'm lost...~Sirius~.LOL. Had to do that.hehe. Congrats on the NYSC thing though.
That's a very nice thot, to move past the past!...
I'm now dreading NYSC..I hate suffering for no reason @ all
Hey Sirius, can't believe i missed your post- my bad. Hope u're good. :) Congrats on completing ur NYSC- i havent heard that many great stories about it.
Anyway, i hope things are going on better for you now.
Take care!
Congrats on successfully concluding your NYSC. Now, your suffering no longer has to continue. Lol. So what’s the next step? Will you be retained in your PPA or you’ve got a juicier offer. Really, I envy you NYSC eligible people o. I am in my final year in a part time institution (LASU) and it’s likely I might not be doing NYSC. I’d have loved to experience how that suffering actually continues. . . Yes indeed, moving on does not mean closing the book. Just turn the page. I’d hold on to that one. First time here. I enjoyed my stay.
Congrats on completing NYSC. Sometimes we just have to go through the process.
I'm glad you have someone to share your thoughts and feelings with. We ALL need someone.
Now on to the next chapter...
I have 2 disagree with you on NYSC. I'm loving it & there's a lot of oppurtunities.
Guess i have to explain myself now. That will have to be in a post on my blog.
awwwwww, i can only imagine how relieved you are. well, congrats on that. this is my first time on your blog. good stuff you have here. keep it up
Ay baybay!
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