Last time I checked it was ~Sirius~
She seriously can’t be calling me, can she?.
“~Suiris~”............Uhmmm, me?
Yes you...........why the lost look?.........you can’t have that look now, it’s 8 hours away from your runway show, every second counts.
A bit confused- I was so sure those were background dreams, I actually haven’t birth “House of Double O” yet.
My goodness it’s a freaking Tuesday and I’m supposed to be getting ready for work- who is she and what the hell is she talking about.
I must be dreaming...........or so I thought.
Oh no...........Not again!
"Not you, Me!"
Why on earth is he yelling?
Can't he see I am awake, no need to end my hearing ability.
"Of course you...................... what do you mean by me?"
I can hear you loud and clear!
"If I have to pour a glass of cold water all over you to get you out of whatever zone you are in...............I WILL!"
Get up...........we have a plane to fly in 4hrs.
Right!, I say...............
"~Sirius~"......Did I hear that right?
Somebody actually gets it right.
You don't say.
I actually recognize the Voice and face.
~The Mister~
”Yes baby”. As I try to wake up.
"Happy Birthday........."
I look at the time, it’s 2:00am
"Thank you" I shy away
“I Love you Birthday girl”................”Love you too”
I fall right back to sleep
I’ve always wondered what my life would have been like if I had made different life changing decisions.
I don’t regret anything that has happened to me.
In fact..........I believe the path I walk (even though I might be a late bloomer in some aspects of my life) I believe it is the best path for me.
And I know this because God walks with me.
And to Him I am eternally grateful and thankful for my Life.
His Grace is indeed Sufficient for me.
I have grown a lot in the last one year.
Thanks to the many battles I had to face- I defeated you all! He he he
And also the people who were patient enough with me whilst I learnt the new things they taught me.
It’s my day today.............
And I am HAPPY!
PS: The Mister did the most amazing thing ever! Remember how I cried about my new makeup that got stolen 2 months ago, make up I had just invested in from my last trip- well, he went out and bought every single item back with a cute purse to put them all in! And what moved me was the fact that after his research- he handpicked every item from the store himself- he didn’t just let anybody bring stuff to him to select, he went to the stores and picked them himself
So today it's me, him, my BlackBerry and my new Make up!
I mean, What more could a girl want?
June people are cool people. this is a scientific fact.
happy birthday, Sirius.
i think the man deserves some special love for the effort. just speaking for the team here.
Happy birthday hon!!!Hope you have a fab time , for I know you'll be looking fab!!
Happy Birthday love...and awwwww that is too sweet of him!!!
Hey! Happy Birthday...So glad you are grateful and thankful for your life...
Enjoy every moment of today and let blackberry not come in btw...
Feliz Cumple Guapa
Make upp Mobile and Man perfect package if i say so myself
hsappy bday huunnnyyy!
@ Freaksho....Yes we are cool people "We Rock!"- And I totally agree with you, he sure does.
@Shona! Thanks dear! Definitely looking fab, even though most of my day will be at the office!
@K....Thanks Sweetie....My heart melted.
@Rita....Thank you, I am more than thankful- words are not enough to describe, and trust me- The BB isn't getting in between anything!
@ Cerberus....Thank you! you got that right- perfect package.
@ Gee....Thanks Sweetie!!!!
u left out twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy birthday dear!!!!! and the mister is such a sweetheart!
Happy baffday!
and awwwww Mr. is so adorablee. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
happy bday!!! And Mister is a keeper!
Happy birthdayyyyyyy :)
Hope you had a blessed day!
And yayy for the bb...They're the best aren't they?
You couldnt possibly want anything more. :) Happpy birthday!
Happy Birthday. The Mister is divine!
Happy belated birthday, hon! May God continue to bless you in EVERY way. The Mister just sounds wonderful :). And btw, Chari and I are good, thanks..excuse our absence, s'il vous plez! Mwah!
aww that is so roMANtic of the Mister...
happy belated bday :)
Hey girl. I have finally found my way here .Thanks for your comments on my blog.. Sincerely.
And mister buying make up! My oh My!!!!
and how could I forget to say - Happy belated birthday! HOpe you had a great one.
Awwwwwwwwww happy birthday darling...
Awww so we're the same birth month! I've been absent from blogville...happy birthday in arrears..and what your mister did was soooooo cool! I love carefully thought out gifts!
Love you post.
be my friend.
really what more can a gal want?
If you find a duplicating machine, make me one.
hey nice blog
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