Friday, September 2, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
And there was light.....
I feel like this is my first post ever.
I think I've forgotten how to blog.
(How does one forget how to blog?)
I see I'm not the only one guilty of this crime (if I am allowed to call it that)
What's weird is that I cannot pin point what exactly kept me away from here. As for my life being uneventful, I'm pretty sure if I dig deep I would find some awesome stories to tell *smiley*
It's just gone past the middle of August. Is this year fast or what? I've been married for a little over a year already. Funny how that day seems like yesterday. I still don't feel married. I feel like my best friend and I share an apartment. He's kind to let me stay and I return the favour by keeping him company; with benefits of course *wink*
I need shop therapy.
But before that, I need an additional source of income that would let me splurge on any and everything.
Life really does have a sense of humour.
As kids we were given everything we wanted for free, yet we wanted to grow up fast, now as adults we find out that the grass isn't as green as it looked like from the other side.
Somehow, i wish adult life came first, so that we'd apprecite being kids.
I'm rambling.....off to make myself useful.
~Sirius~ Signing out®
Friday, June 10, 2011
Feeling (Not So) Damn Good...
I'm sure most of us all know the story of the prodigal son who requested for his share of wealth from his father (a king) and blew it all up, then he became less than a servant in a land where the people were seen as less than equals to his own people.
As I sat and listened to the analogy of this story, my ears stood (like a dogs' would) when his brother was analysed.
Quiet, never troubled his father, got his share of wealth (only because his brother requested for his), never caused any trouble, calm, reserved, speaks only when spoken too.......
I felt sad instantly....not for him, but for myself.
I've always played it safe like the first son, not to say I'm 100% goody two shoes or anything like that, but for the life of me I never take risks! I wonder if it has to do with the fact that nothing really excites me, not even "supposed" milestones in life (which i see as a very serious issue).
I usually sit down and take in whatever comes my way.... things happen in my life that i don't like and i just sit there waiting/hoping/wishing for them to change. I find it really really hard to complain or express my feelings, and when and if i eventually do it means that I'm probably sick of it to the point that it makes me sick.
Going back to the bible story...
The wayward brother got the best of both worlds, not to say I'm encouraging being wayward, but....
He caught the heart of his father more than his brother did, why? Because his father (like most heads/fathers/leaders), they are not moved my people who are static, people who just say yes to everything you say, people who don't challenge other people, people who have dreams and wishes buried inside them but are too afraid to birth them because they don't want to seem rude, or out of line.........people who don't speak their
mind or take risks.
How on earth am I going to make a difference in life if i always play safe?
I'm tired, I'm down, I'm angry at myself....I don't mean to sound ungrateful to God, but I'm not just myself...if I were white (no offence) I'd be diagnosed with depression and I'd be feeling slightly suicidal. It's ironic as nothing in wrong in my life at the moment. I guess it's just a phase, or perhaps I'm sucking up more than I should and I just haven't realised it yet.
I'm whining .........
Have a great weekend everyone...
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
Thursday, May 12, 2011

I have this friend, from waaaaay back. She does fantastic stuff with cupcakes! (Anyone who knows me knows I love cake…….and Ice-creamJ) The sad/fortunate thing is……she lives in far away Abuja. So I can’t indulge in all her naughtiness and so I defeat the scale in this battle *wide grin*

I promise to update you on all the non-interesting details...in due time. ( I hope I don't disappear for this long)
For those who are lucky enough to be in Abuja.....you should try them cupcakes. and eat for 2!
Friday, March 18, 2011
1 sheep, 2 Sheep, 3 Sheep....Randomly Bored

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011
Crap! I Forgot To Title My Post!

… I miss blogging.
I really do.
It’s the middle of February, and this is my first post.
I even tried the 7 unknown things about me in my head…..and I never got round to actually typing it out.
Now I don’t feel like it anymore.
I was reading my old posts and I couldn’t believe I wrote most of them……Somehow I don’t think I’m much of that ~Sirus~ anymore……*sigh
On another note…..A blogger saw me and expressed her thoughts on how she expected to see a “fat ~Sirius~” especially after reading posts of me crying my weight out.
Truth be told I’m actually not fat, neither am I anywhere near fat (well, anorexic girls may think otherwise- but who cares about them?) I just suffer from the perfect body syndrome (ha! I just made that up)
And so today is Valentine’s Day…..truth be told again. I’ve always hated today for the mere reason that a lot of lies and heartbreaks are happening as I type this. I say this because I have been a victim once upon a time and I have also seen people fall victims too.
……oh well. That phase of my life is definitely over, so in the spirit of Valentine here’s to my one true love;
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Loving you is all I’m going to do.
Happy Valentine’s day people……………