There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings.
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
In searching for the truth be ready for the unexpected......
The meaning of the word truth extends from Honesty, Good Faith, and Sincerity in agreement with a Fact or Reality in particular. In life things happen and we yearn for the truth, we want to know what, how, when, why, but the fact of the matter is, are we really prepared to handle the truth? Your instincts tell you, you can feel it in your guts, your worst fear lurks around like a shadow in the dark, you want to know now more than anything else ~ and then you’re hit with the truth.
You go cold all over, your instincts where right, your guts never lied to you before, not even this time, you try to keep your cool, and then you start disbelieving, you’re confused, angry, sad, relieved all at the same time, no matter how many scenarios you have planned out, you are never really prepared enough for the truth, you can’t handle it, but you rather have it than a lie.
What do you do? Do you resort to ~what you do not know won’t kill you~ I say no matter how bad the truth is face it, it will always set you free.
You know deep down you are not truly loved, or you don’t deserve to be treated the way you are being treated, or things are not working out like they should be, face the truth, dust yourself and walk on, get over it, things happen for a reason, take life’s lesson and continue the journey.
Sometimes we are so scared to admit the truth to ourselves that we live in falsehood, denial and fairytale land, we are so scared about what will happen if we face the truth, and I ask, how can you be scared about what you do not know? Knowing the truth is the most powerful thing that can ever happen to you. Use it………
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple -Oscar Wilde
I agree with you... most times we know the truth but we just live in self-denial...
But I like these words that remind us to face the truth...at least once and for all...no point postponing the day...
sweetheart!!!!! finally!!!!
muah muah muah!
It will come out at some point anyway so why bother hiding?
So true...but as humans, most of us' first instinct is to lie especially if the situation isnt favourable..
May God help us!
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