It's a little known fact.
And BOOM!.........

The same can be said for my collection of L@'Senza bras too......J
A compulsory Anti Money laundering test my baby sister had to take in her place of work.
A reputable bank in Canada
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
The Mayonnaise Jar
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
When 24 hours in a day is not enough;
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, quietly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and starts to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family, children, health, friends, and favourite passions. Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car.
The sand is everything else -- The small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will never have room for the things that are Important to you.
So...Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.
There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dripping tap.
'Take care of the golf balls first -- The things that really matter.Set your priorities.
The rest is just sand.
'One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked'.It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'Feel free to share this with other "Golf Balls", I just did.
It's a new week, Let's put our "Golf balls" in place.
~Sirius~ Signing out.
Over & Out.
PS; I wonder if attaching a photo works from my BB?
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device
Busy- food- loving ~Sirius~ embarked on a mission to lose some good weight!
I say I'm fat at UK12 weighing 75kg or 165 lbs and 5”7 tall. I started out with her detox, eating everything fresh. Let's just say I attempted about 3 times before I finally went past day 1. My saving grace: I love fruits and vegetables, so that made it easier for me, by day 5 I had dropped 4kg! which made all the difference in the dress I wore to the event.
Ironically, once determination kicks in, all the good food in the world becomes available. I sat there with 3 course meals over my head and under my nose, I looked away, drank water and ate the cucumbers in the ~The Mister’s~ chapman. *hiss.
There was no way I’d lose focus, not right now, Do you know how hard it is to get even 1kg off!
Seeing the progress, I wasn't going to let it slip, so I registered with a gym, working out myself wasn't really working out (pun intended). After my busy day at the office- I head straight to the gym (Please, I cannot even imagine wasting my money), it was hard during the first few days, I expected that, after all it had been 6 long years I walked into a gym.
I have a goal weight I intend to achieve, 5-6 kg lower than where I would like to stabilize. My eating habits have gone back to 100% healthy- No carbonated drinks -can't remember the last time I had one anyway, no fried foods, can't eat after 7pm, more fruits and vegetables during the course of the day, No White rice & white bread! That's the devil behind our bulgy lower abdomen.
I have set my eyes on sexy young mothers recently, and I have a good picture in my head how I want to look too, but that's not good enough. I've lost a total of 8kg (17.6lbs)- a lot if you ask me. I’m pretty impressed with my determination. ~The Mister~ cannot hide his appreciation of my new figure, in fact he has started screaming, “~Sirius~, Please do not overdo this thing” LOL!
But a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.
I'm half way there, and this is where the hard part begins, losing so little at a time, patience and perseverance are my new best friends :-)
Mission: Sexy ~Sirius~ MUST be accomplished.
Have a splendid weekend people!
Hours later on your bed at night, you can’t help but constantly think of him. Blushing. Wondering if you’d see him the next day.
School is over, holiday lessons are on. You looked forward to attending only because he’d be in class, even though you don’t say a word to him. You are complete, just by being in the same room with him.
At the same bus/train station every morning on your way to your faculty......your heart does its own workout, racing when no one asked it to.
You get a job, and he’s there, on the second floor.
Another good day at the office.
You look forward to lunch at your regular spot, he walks in at exactly 1:30pm .......
The butterflies are still there.
Such a wonderful feeling........
Every girl must have been in at least one out of all these scenarios if not all.
We met a while ago.
We became friends, then we became more than friends
Or so I thought.
He was kind, funny, and very caring
He had a secret, he had another friend.
We became foes whilst we were still friends.
I was torn
And then I met him.
We became friends, real friends.
He was kind, funny and very caring
We became more than friends..........No secrets.
We found love in each other
Pure Love.
Such a wonderful feeling.
And after so long, it keeps growing everyday
I feel the butterflies.........all over again.
Like I’m 13.
I have a crush on him
Seriously, it was satisfying just seeing your crush when we were come that isn’t the case now? Seeing is good, but it just doesn’t cut it.
It is evident that the older we get, the more things change, it’s no wonder a 27+ year old finds it hard to find a single man these day, because like us, men at 27+ usually have partners.
It’s funny the way life pans out, we have plans, dreams, expectations, we worry at a certain age if we haven’t achieved certain things. We worry that we might not be able to achieve certain things that we think we need in order to take the next step.
If we stop, pause and take a look at where we are coming from, we notice that even though we had our so called “phenomenal plans” we ended up in a much better place, without that thing we thought was the key to our next step.
Everyone has their time, and that time is unique to him/her, so do not panic if your younger sister is married and you’re not, or if you do not have a job and your twin has been promoted twice. Your time will come...........
PS: So the kidnapping is getting out of hand.....what is up with this nation!
Copy and paste as promised.....Very interesting not to share.
F0r my Accounting peeps, very easy to understand and for others....C'est la vie.
Our Birth is our Opening Balance
Our Death is our Closing Balance
Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
Our Creative Ideas are our Assets
The most important thing in life..................GOD
So this post started out on an entirely different note. In fact it was going to be a copy and paste post (Which I will do, another day), but that’s out the window now, thanks to the song that I’m currently listening to. On repeat.
A word that comes and goes
But few people really know
What it means to Love Somebody
Though the tears may fade away
I’m so glad your Love will Stay
‘cos I love you.
And you showed me Jesus
“What it really means to Love”
It gets deeper.
The nights that I’ve cried you Love me
When I should have died you Love me
I’ll Never know why you love me
(But I’m grateful Jesus)
When all hope is gone you Love me
You gave me a song that you Love me.
Now I can go on, ‘cos you Love me
And Now I know what it really means to LOVE.
Music and the events in one’s life. I remember Crying and trembling while singing this song at the top of my voice repeatedly in the bathroom after a huge fight with my ex. He had hit me- and of course the only person I turned in the bathroom was Jesus. I told myself love wasn’t outside the bathroom door- It was in me, Through Jesus. I didn’t need his fake love. *hissss
So I’ve been moody in the last two days, coupled with the fact that I’m having my allergy on another level.
But tomorrow is Friday.
And with some light from Kirk and Angie.
I say "Damn the mood!"
My Sunshine has come and there’s No more rain in my clouds, ‘’cos I’m all cried out!- Go Angie!
Tweet Music Friday Tweeps...... (Shona, Ms Jayla, Funms, Kookie, VimfromZim, Juiceegirl, bumight Kemberly, And our very own twudes debuting this Friday – Haven’t sent them the memo though. Iamcerberus and medianemesis)
Music feeds my Soul........Have a great weekend people!
& lets #lightupnigeria!
PS: I see Blogsvillie is slowly getting out of it's recession.
1. Your way of life, in terms of doing right.
2. Your relationship with family
3. Your relationships with friends and colleagues.
4.Your love life.
5. Your career/ School or both
6. Your happiness
7. Your being content.
8. Your dreams- if you have any
9. Your ability to seize an opportunity
10.Your choices.
Submit all scores to yourself- 70% and above is an A.
Your next step depends on the your overall score.
Make sure you test yourself to day.
PS: fooling around with my mobile device- just making sure I can post from it.
But on a serious note. Get TESTED!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Last time I checked it was ~Sirius~
She seriously can’t be calling me, can she?.
“~Suiris~”............Uhmmm, me?
Yes you...........why the lost look? can’t have that look now, it’s 8 hours away from your runway show, every second counts.
A bit confused- I was so sure those were background dreams, I actually haven’t birth “House of Double O” yet.
My goodness it’s a freaking Tuesday and I’m supposed to be getting ready for work- who is she and what the hell is she talking about.
I must be dreaming...........or so I thought.
Oh no...........Not again!
"Not you, Me!"
Why on earth is he yelling?
Can't he see I am awake, no need to end my hearing ability.
"Of course you...................... what do you mean by me?"
I can hear you loud and clear!
"If I have to pour a glass of cold water all over you to get you out of whatever zone you are in...............I WILL!"
Get up...........we have a plane to fly in 4hrs.
Right!, I say...............
"~Sirius~"......Did I hear that right?
Somebody actually gets it right.
You don't say.
I actually recognize the Voice and face.
~The Mister~
”Yes baby”. As I try to wake up.
"Happy Birthday........."
I look at the time, it’s 2:00am
"Thank you" I shy away
“I Love you Birthday girl”................”Love you too”
I fall right back to sleep
I’ve always wondered what my life would have been like if I had made different life changing decisions.
I don’t regret anything that has happened to me.
In fact..........I believe the path I walk (even though I might be a late bloomer in some aspects of my life) I believe it is the best path for me.
And I know this because God walks with me.
And to Him I am eternally grateful and thankful for my Life.
His Grace is indeed Sufficient for me.
I have grown a lot in the last one year.
Thanks to the many battles I had to face- I defeated you all! He he he
And also the people who were patient enough with me whilst I learnt the new things they taught me.
It’s my day today.............
And I am HAPPY!
PS: The Mister did the most amazing thing ever! Remember how I cried about my new makeup that got stolen 2 months ago, make up I had just invested in from my last trip- well, he went out and bought every single item back with a cute purse to put them all in! And what moved me was the fact that after his research- he handpicked every item from the store himself- he didn’t just let anybody bring stuff to him to select, he went to the stores and picked them himself
So today it's me, him, my BlackBerry and my new Make up!
I mean, What more could a girl want?